3ie at gLOCAL 2023
gLOCAL Evaluation Week is a unique knowledge-sharing event, connecting a global community of people across sectors and regions. Over the course of a week, participants from all over the world join events to learn from each other on a vast number of topics and themes. gLOCAL is convened and supported by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) - a network of organizations and experts that supports countries with strengthening their monitoring and evaluation systems to help governments gather and use evidence that improves the lives of their citizens. gLOCAL was launched by the Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (CLEARs), a GEI Implementing Partner.

Contributions towards developing a culture of M&E – what role can different sectors play?
While the importance of embedding M&E systems has been well evidenced, operationalizing the embedding M&E systems and even acceptance of the culture of M&E is still on a slow trek and faces challenges. Herein lies the space for further discourse. To be able to understand how different sectors, from government, civil society, funders or research agencies, can participate and contribute requires wider dissemination. This session will attempt to provide the perspectives on how the different stakeholders across the development sector can participate and what roles can they play within their own and cross-cutting domains towards creating more conducive and appreciative systems that embed and inculcate an M&E culture.
Date: 29 May 29, 2023
Time: 3:30 pm- 5:00 pm IST
- Ramanshu Ganguly, Associate Director, Climate Insights
- Dr Monica Jain, Lead Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
- Dr Abinash Dash, Director - Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, NITI Aayog
- ·Shikha Rana, Senior Manager, Research, Sambodhi (Chair)
Recording will be available soon
The Future of M&E: Culture, Context and Collaboration
In this gLOCAL Evaluation Week opening event, the speakers will dive into two complementary topics. The first discussion will focus on institutionalising M&E in public policy systems, discussing opportunities and challenges in strengthening its foundation worldwide. The speakers will also explore how to develop resilient M&E systems that endure institutional uncertainties. In the second part of the discussions, speakers will concentrate on the evaluation practice and discover the changing landscape of evaluative evidence generation and its potential. We'll examine the opportunities and challenges of using data and methods to make evidence more robust, useful, and accessible to decision-makers and stakeholders. Additionally, we'll go over integrating culturally responsive evaluation principles with universally recognized scientific principles of evaluation research.
- Jos Vaessen (Evaluation Adviser, GEI; Chair)
- Dugan Fraser (Program Manager, GEI)
- Marie Gaarder (Director, 3ie)
- Candice Morkel (Director, CLEAR AA)
- Sanjeev Sridharan (Professor of Health Policy Evaluation, Univ of Hawaii)
- Estelle Raimondo (Senior Evaluation Officer, IEG)
- Patrizia Cocca (Communications and KM Lead, GEI)
Date: 29 May
Time: 9:00 am-10:30 am EST
L'évaluation de processus: Quoi, pourquoi et comment ?
Pour affiner la théorie et améliorer l'efficacité des interventions dans le milieu du développement, il est essentiel de comprendre les mécanismes qui expliquent comment et pourquoi ces interventions produisent des changements réussis ou échouent à produire des changements escomptés. L'évaluation de processus est l’une des forme d’évaluation qui permet de capter les liens importants pour comprendre et améliorer les interventions de développement. Elle aide à démêler les effets de chaque élément de la conception et de la mise en œuvre d’une intervention et à clarifier les interactions possibles qui peuvent se produire pour créer un effet de synergie en se s’appuyant sur une analyse des divers éléments internes et externes de la conception d'un programme et de sa mise en œuvre. Ce webinaire se propose de présenter l’évaluation de processus et de partager l’expérience des évaluations de processus conduites ces dernières années par l’Initiative Internationale pour l’Evaluation d’Impact (3ie) à travers le Programme de renforcement des capacités et d’évaluation d’impact en Afrique de l’Ouest (WACIE). A travers ce webinaire les participants seront capables de comprendre :
- ce qu’est l’évaluation de processus, de la distinguer des autres formes d’évaluation et de cerner la complémentarité que l’évaluation de processus peut avoir avec d’autres formes d’évaluation,
- l’utilité et l’importance de l’évaluation de processus dans l’écosystème des évaluations et des données probantes
- les différentes étapes pour conduire une bonne évaluation de processus.
Date: 31 May 2023
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm CAT
Conferencier: Bio Bertrand Mama, Senior Research Associate, 3ie
Geospatial impact evaluation of agricultural intensification program in Niger
Climate change is exacerbating food insecurity worldwide, particularly in the already highly vulnerable drought-prone areas such as the Sahel region of West Africa. To improve food security and resilience, the government of Niger, with funding from the West African Development Bank (BOAD), implemented a multi-faceted agricultural production intensification program in 2011 (PIPA/SA). This session will discuss how 3ie employed geospatial data and a controlled interrupted time series design to measure the impact of this program on agricultural production, water availability, siltation, and desertification. The results of this study will provide valuable information to the BOAD regarding the efficacy of their programs and will inform future regional investments related to climate change mitigation/adaptation and food intensification, with implications for human health, nutrition, livelihoods, and economic development more broadly. This project contributes to the evidence base on climate and nutrition interventions and illustrates the increasing importance of geospatial data in M&E and impact evaluation in remote and insecure regions.
- Douglas Glandon, Lead Evaluation Specialist & Leader, Methods Development, 3ie
- Fiona Kastel, Research Associate, 3ie
- Anca Dumitrescu, Senior Evaluation Specialist, 3ie
Date: 31 May
Time: 11:30am-12:30pm EST
Strengthening evaluation of Swashakt women's empowerment projects
In this presentation, 3ie highlighted the value of process evaluation in documenting and understanding implementation processes, challenges, and participants' stories as part of 3ie's Swashakt program.
Date: 02 June 2023
Time: 4 pm IST
Jane Hammaker, Senior Research Associate, 3ie
Shreya Banerjee, Senior Research Associate, 3ie
The session’s objectives are to:
- Share learning from the Swashakt evidence program on the sociocultural context of participants, project implementation, and similarities and differences among collectivization models used to empower women in 5 states of India.
- Demonstrate how responsive mixed-method evaluation approaches that collaborate with grassroots implementers and center women’s stories enabled our research team to better understand project implementation than with quantitative survey instruments alone.
- Highlight how 3ie’s stringent process evaluation guidelines can be applied.