This section brings together our multimedia products covering a wide range of topics and sectors to showcase 3ie's activities and work. It is also home to key knowledge-sharing as well as training resources produced by our teams over the years - many of them in collaboration with key partners. Whether you are an evaluator, educator, communicator or member of the media, this section helps you stay on top of our latest videos, podcasts, news and features.

Food System and Nutrition Evidence Gap Map
Evidence gap maps and syntheses are particularly important for helping researchers, funders, and decision-makers quickly digest massive amounts of information. Developed with support from Innovative Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions (IMMANA), the living EGM has been commissioned by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit's (GIZ) 'Knowledge for Nutrition' program.

Intro: Towards economic empowerment and self-empowerment of women
3ie's Swashakt podcast series aims to explore the pathways towards economic empowerment and self-empowerment for women - primarily in India but also in other L&MICs.

Nutrition International and 3ie Launch Evidence Gap Map to Combat Anaemia
Latest News and Features
3ie welcomes USAID to the Global Evidence Commitment
3ie welcomes USAID as the newest member of the Global Evidence Commitment. As part of the Agency’s long-term commitment to evidence, Michele Sumilas, Assistant to the Administrator for Policy, Planning and Learning signed the pledge on behalf of USAID on 2 May 2024. USAID joins other leading development sector institutions that are working together to strengthen mutual learning and support in making better use of rigorous evidence. The founding signatories include the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Inter-American Development Bank, KfW Development Bank, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office, and 3ie. The Global Evidence Commitment was launched in October 2023 as a collaborative effort to improve evidence culture and use in our organizations and encourage others to undertake similar efforts by illustrating the importance of its far-reaching impacts. As the convenor of the pledge, 3ie is proud to facilitate our partners in this process. To know more about the pledge, please reach us at the pledge
Research Commissioning Centre: Upcoming calls for proposals
Through our recently announced Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Research Commissioning Centre we intend to launch several calls for proposals in early 2024. The research will cover a range of development and diplomacy topics.
If you are interested in receiving updates about the upcoming opportunities, please sign up here.
3ie announces centre to manage FCDO research investments
The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) is proud to announce the establishment of a new research commissioning centre to support the Research and Evidence Directorate (RED) of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Led by 3ie, the University of Birmingham and an unmatched consortium of UK and global research partners, this centre will help manage strategic investments in science, technology and evidence.
Global Evidence Commitment
The Global Evidence Commitment is an opportunity for leading institutions to commit to improving evidence culture and use in their organizations.
Strengthening our leadership team: Message from Executive Director Marie Gaarder
One of my priorities as executive director is to ensure 3ie remains a credible and reliable partner for our many stakeholders working to improve people's lives. One of the key success factors, is the right combination of staff and leadership who can deliver high-quality, timely and relevant evidence for decision-makers, ensure evidence is accessible and used. I'm proud to lead a team of very talented staff who are committed to achieving 3ie's mission, and excited to announce two new additions to our leadership team.
Leveraging sanitation for livelihood
3ie, in partnership with the ministry of housing and urban development department, Odisha, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted a year-long study to understand the barriers and facilitators of urban collectives engaged in the sanitation work . This op-ed recounts how the state government of Odisha has been able to provide employment opportunities to more than 6,500 women- and transgender-collective members through the various sanitation models, and how scale-up of this project combined with evaluation evidence can prove beneficial across the country
International coalition champions global health equity
In 2023 the World EBHC Day organizing partners have invited Health Information for All (HIFA), E-Base Africa, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie), The George Institute and University of Global Health Equity as campaign partners. 3ie is excited to contribute to developing and strengthening the campaign, ‘Evidence and Global Health Equity’, with our unique expertise, knowledge and resources.
Remembering Dr Rosaine Yegbemey
It is with great sadness that we share that our friend and colleague Dr Rosaine Yegbemey passed away on 29 January 2023. Rosaine had been a part of 3ie in different ways since 2015, first part of our evaluation team in New Delhi and, more recently, as a research fellow. Rosaine was an active collaborator, a beloved colleague and a friend to many at 3ie.