Rohan Shah

Rohan Shah
Designation: Senior Evaluation Specialist
Rohan provides technical, management and leadership support to ongoing impact evaluations relating to women’s empowerment, livelihoods, nutrition, and immunization. He also leads the reproducibility and replication work under the Transparent, Reproducible and Ethical Evidence (TREE) portfolio at 3ie.

Blogs by author

Results from an evaluation of the COVAX Facility and AMC to inform pandemic preparedness and response

The COVAX Facility aimed to accelerate the development, production and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines worldwide. To ensure equitable access for 92 low-income (LICs) and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs) within the COVAX Facility, Gavi created a separate funding mechanism — the Advance Market Commitment (AMC). By the end of 2021, the COVAX Facility and AMC had provided close to 1 billion doses to 144 countries. While this vaccine supply was broadly equitable (prioritizing LICs and LMICs), vaccine coverage rates across countries were inequitable.

Innovative study to measure gender norm foundations and change in rural Bangladesh

Gender norms or shared beliefs about what women and men ought to do in a particular social context determine how they interact with each other. A critical shift away from regressive gender norms is imperative to make progress toward gender equality. But these norms are considered particularly resistant to change and are often the reason behind limited impacts of development programs on gender equality and women’s empowerment.