Chandan Jain
Chandan manages and supports 3ie’s livelihoods programs, including the impact evaluation of India's National Rural Livelihoods Mission, evaluation of the H&M Foundation’s Collective Impact Initiative in Bengaluru and the Swashakt program focusing on empowering Indian women’s collectives. Chandan has significant research experience in social policy, gender, and adolescent development and his work at 3ie focuses on providing technical and management lead to the ongoing impact evaluation under the 3ie’s livelihoods programs. He also manages 3ie’s initiative on Transparency, Reproducibility, and Ethical Evidence (TREE).
Prior to joining 3ie, Chandan worked at Ashoka University on a project that analyzed the effect of teacher transfers on learning outcomes. He has also been associated with the Indian Statistical Institute and Heidelberg University as a Visiting Scholar. His research focussed on education, labour and governance in the Indian context. His ongoing work on education analyzes issues relating to segregation in schools and the effects of school management committees in the Indian context. Chandan holds a PhD in Economics from Shiv Nadar University and a Master’s in Economics from TERI University, India.