CAF-Development Bank for Latin America
The Development Bank of Latin America or Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF) supports sustainable development and regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). CAF established its Impact Evaluation and Policy Learning Directorate (DEIAP) in late 2013 to promote the use of evidence to support policy design. DEIAP promotes learning from public policies and public management initiatives, and works with government-led initiatives financed both from CAF and other sources. DEIAP supports impact evaluations around four strategic areas, chosen for their importance to regional development: state capacity, public safety, social inclusion, and productivity. To date, DEIAP has been involved in more than twenty impact evaluations that have or are expected to inform policy decisions and CAF strategies.
Overview of engagement
DEIAP approached 3ie in 2015 to discuss membership and other opportunities for potential collaboration. DIEAP is interested in disseminating and promoting evidence generated in Latin America on the world stage and increasing the ability of policymakers, programme managers, and researchers in Latin America to access and use high quality evidence being generated elsewhere. To this end, DIEP has been particularly interested in bringing 3ie’s online resources and publications to stakeholders in Latin America and is engaging with 3ie to identify and translate some of these materials into Spanish and disseminate them to LAC audiences.
Examples of 3ie engagement
Community of practice: Since 2016 3ie DEIAP and 3ie have been partnering to translate 3ie policy briefs, scoping reports, and systematic review summaries into Spanish and disseminate them to LAC audiences.