Benin Evaluation Days
Dates: 6-8 August 2018
Venue: Benin Marina Hotel, Cotonou, Benin
3ie's Sara Pacqué-Margolis, Anca Dumitrescu, Deo-Gracias Houndolo participated in Benin Evaluation Days, a two-day event in Contonou from 6-8 August. The Benin Evaluation Days (Journées Béninoises de l’Evaluation) is a bi-annual event organized by the Benin government, which brings together regional actors to promote the culture of evaluation and evidence-informed policymaking. On day 1, 3ie’s Sara Pacqué-Margolis gave the keynote speech and participated on a panel on promoting evidence use through international cooperation.
The Benin government also introduced regional actors to the West Africa Capacity Building and Impact Evaluation program, which it jointly manages in partnership with 3ie. This program has received technical and financial support from the Benin government, the West African Economic and Monetary Union, the West African Development Bank and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
Press coverage of the event in Benin’s national papers and websites
The event received good local press coverage. News articles on the conference were published in La Nation, a national daily newspaper and Benin 7, a leading news website. Both the articles quote Koupaki Pascal, Minister of State, Secretary of the Presidency, Benin, Abdoulaye Gounou, chief of the Bureau of Public Policy Evaluation, Benin and 3ie board commissioner.
Article on La Nation (in French)
Article on Benin7 (in French)