The four waves of the evidence revolution: progress and challenges in evidence-based policy and practice
Speaker: Dr Howard White, research director, CEDIL and chief executive officer, Campbell Collaboration
Chair: Owen Barder, vice president, Center for Global Development
The evidence movement has rolled out in four waves since the 1990s: the results agenda, the rise of randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews and developing an evidence architecture. This revolution is uneven across sectors and countries and is an unfinished revolution. Drawing on experiences from around the world, this talk will provide a historical overview of the evidence movement and the challenges it faces. Responses to these challenges will be considered, including those offered by the work of CEDIL.
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This lecture is part of a monthly lecture series organized by CEDIL and the Centre for Evaluation, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). If you would like to find out more about CEDIL’s work, sign up to their mailing list here.