2018 in review

2018 was a memorable year for 3ie. Our 10th anniversary gave us an opportunity to celebrate our successes, reflect on the lessons learned, and appreciate our members, partners, staff and supporters. Through events, videos, blogs and social media, we showcased our leadership in innovative contributions to producing high-quality, relevant evidence, and improving evidence uptake and use to improve development policies and programmes.

Our evidence week conferences in Delhi and London set new attendance records. We also participated in, sponsored, co-sponsored and organised several events where we advocated for the generation and use of high-quality evidence and shared the latest evidence and innovations in evaluations, systematic reviews, gap maps, replication and evidence-informed policy influence and decision-making.

Starting this year, we are going lean and green. We will publish short, highly summarised annual reviews online only, with that information available to download.  

To see 3ie's annual reports up to 2017, please click here.

Hover over the photo to read about some of the key highlights or scroll down to see our work in infographics.

2018 in review

Click on any of the infographics to enlarge them and learn more about our work in these selected areas.