Ada Sonnenfeld

Ada Sonnenfeld
Former Evaluation specialist, 3ie
Ada managed systematic reviews and evidence gap map projects, specialising in the fields of governance, peacebuilding and rural development.

Blogs by author

A systematic approach to building the evidence base for gender equality and women’s empowerment in fragile contexts

In 2020, 23 per cent of the world’s population lived in fragile contexts, including 76.5 per cent of all those living in extreme poverty. While women comprise about half of the population in fragile…

Mapping the evidence on the effects of rule of law interventions on justice outcomes

The systematic use of evidence can help inform decisions on what research to conduct, what interventions to implement and how to improve the effectiveness of programs.

Securing and building peaceful societies: Where is the evidence and where is it missing?

It has been estimated that over 1.8 billion people, close to a quarter of the world’s population, live in fragile contexts (OECD, 2018). Given the current Covid-19 pandemic, it is likely that this…