Jennifer Stevenson

Designation: Evaluation manager, Education Endowment Foundation
Jennifer is an Evaluation Manager at the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). Prior to this, Jennifer worked at 3ie for six years in the synthesis and reviews team. She has been involved in work to improve the policy relevance, methodological quality and timeliness of systematic reviews and is an Associate Editor for the International Development Coordinating Group (IDCG) of the Campbell Collaboration.

Blogs by author

Is it possible to combine capacity development with a rapid synthesis response to an evidence request?

Two of the most important and long standing challenges for evidence synthesis in international development are: 1) The need to provide timely (eg. rapid) responses to demands for evidence to inform decisions; 2) Developing capacity to do high-quality, policy-relevant syntheses, especially in L&MICs. At present these challenges are typically addressed in isolation.

Not missing the woods for the trees: mapping evidence gaps on land use and forestry programmes

Forest protection is among the most effective approaches we have to mitigate climate change. At the same time, agricultural land and forests provide food, livelihoods and fuel for billions of people globally, particularly in low and middle-income countries (L&MICs). At the same time there are concerns that large-scale forest protection programming will have negative knock-on effects on food security and other aspects of human well-being.