Major bilateral and multilateral organizations sign 3ie-led evidence pledge |

We are excited to announce the launch of the Global Evidence Commitment, a 3ie-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of development programs, starting with institutionalizing evidence use within development organizations.
On 27 October 2023, major bilateral and multilateral organizations signed a pledge at the Inter-American Development Bank’s Knowledge Week, signalling their commitment to making changes in their organizations. The pledge comes as a key milestone as we celebrate 3ie’s 15th year.
The inaugural signatories include Ilan Goldfajn (IDB), Dr Bård Vegar Solhjell (Norad), Charlotte Watts (FCDO), Alicia Phillips Mandaville (MCC), Jochen Kluve (KFW), and Marie Gaarder (3ie).
The public signing ceremony was an important first step in a process that will require rolling up our collective sleeves and doing the hard, detailed work of evidence-informed institutional change – to translate this commitment to reality.
3ie podcast on women’s empowerment

The third episode ‘Realizing women’s full potential’ of our Swashakt podcast series is with someone who has been working to advance gender equality on several fronts – technical solutions, public policy, strategic communications, community engagement, and large-scale implementation of proven interventions. Listen in to Madhu Krishna, Deputy Director, Gender Equality at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s India office, who highlights the problem of not counting women’s work as productive labor. Women operate in environments where, Krishna emphasizes, they show a lot of courage and resilience to overcome everyday challenges and barriers. She says creating economic opportunities is key to empowering women and explains why we need to focus on attracting, retaining and advancing women in the workforce.
In case you missed it, please listen to our second episode with Anjini Kochar to know how women’s empowerment is linked to their choice and voice and what kind of power relationships are at work behind these. Kochar is a senior research fellow at 3ie who has been leading the evaluation of the Government of India’s National Rural Livelihoods Project.
This six-part series features authoritative voices from grassroots organizations, research institutions, the private sector as well and donor agencies working to empower women. Find out more about the podcast series here. |
World Food Day – 16 October
On World Food Day, we wanted to share a recent evidence gap map of nutrition-sensitive interventions in low- and middle-income countries. The map has a unique focus on food systems-level interventions; specifically related to production; transport and distribution; support for food processing, storage, and packaging; fortification and re-formulation; pricing and profit initiatives; marketplaces; voluntary adoption of standards and ethical practices; women’s empowerment; and consumer behavior. The EGM includes a total of 1,952 impact evaluations and 155 systematic reviews and provides a starting point for exploring and accessing the available literature. Here are some of the key findings.

This systematic identification and mapping of the available evidence base was supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security (RFS), via a partnership with D-Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
View interactive EGM, report, blog and brief

Guide in eight steps: As part of our work in West Africa, we partnered with ACED in Benin to produce a guide that helps in learning how to access, understand, and use evidence to improve the design and implementation of food security and nutrition interventions. It provides decision-makers in the food security and nutrition sectors with some tips and good practices illustrated by real examples. This work – supported by the Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis, and Learning (IDEAL) Activity and USAID – will be useful for both evidence producers and users in their journey to evidence-informed decision-making.
Read the guide | View interactive PDF
The content of the guide is also available as a self-paced online course that can be accessed at
#3ie15years | Our work and its impact – hear what partners have to say
As we receive congratulatory messages for our 15 th year from leaders in the evaluation and development sector, we continue to reflect on key observations about 3ie’s work and contribution shared by them. In his message this month, Global Evidence Initiative (GEI) Program Manager Dugan Fraser highlights our close collaboration in a number of areas, including our work on gender and in West Africa, Fraser says, “3ie is a real asset to people who work in the evidence ecosystem and its ongoing success means success for all of us.”
In documenting the use and impact of 3ie’s research, we have found that it can contribute to policy or program discussions, as well as decisions to change the design of policies or programs, scale them up or shut them down. Visit our Evidence Impact Portal featuring more than 50 summaries that highlight the impact of research evidence, as well as the context and factors that helped research contribute to the change.
As part of our Swashakt program, we worked with women weavers who are part of the producer companies facilitated by Chitrika Foundation in two states in India – Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. In this piece, the 3ie team shares insights that reveal the need for greater technical and management training and provision of suitable working conditions for weavers to ensure the long-term sustainability of weaving enterprises.
Open access articles | Journal of Development Effectiveness
The recent special issue of 3ie’s journal produced with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) focuses on evaluations of the scaling journey of five different education programs operating in humanitarian crises. The articles are currently open access and researchers are invited to read them.
- The effects of booster classes in protracted crisis settings: Evidence from Kenyan refugee camps
- Building community engagement and teacher support in education: qualitative findings from process evaluations in two exceptional settings
- Can’t Wait to Learn: A quasi-experimental mixed-methods evaluation of a digital game-based learning programme for out-of-school children in Sudan
- Employer attitudes towards hiring university-educated refugees: evidence from Rwanda
The Journal of Development Effectiveness publishes papers reporting evidence of impact of development interventions. To know how you can submit a paper, please visit the webpage.
Upcoming event
Evidence-Informed Decision-Making: The Legacy of FATAA and the Evidence Act for US Development Agencies | 15 Nov | 10:00—11:30 AM ET / 3:00-4:30 PM GMT
3ie Director – Evidence for Policy and Learning, Thomas Kelly will moderate a panel discussion co-hosted by CGD and the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network (MFAN), featuring US officials to explore the implications of these legislative requirements and how to continue to drive greater transparency and informed decision-making in US development policy. Register.
World Food Program Evaluation Forum, 4-7 December | Rome
The first World Food Program (WFP) Impact Evaluation Forum will bring together governments, donors, UN agencies, NGOs, academia and WFP colleagues who will share new evidence, facilitate collaboration, and exchange experiences on WFP’s innovative work in impact evaluation. 3ie’s Jane Hammaker and Marie Gaarder will be part of sessions focusing on cost-effectiveness analysis in evaluation and building an organizational culture of evidence. More information will soon be available.
What Works South Asia, 28-30 November | New Delhi
Campbell South Asia is organizing What Works South Asia, which will bring together experts and practitioners from the region to share insights and best practices on effective interventions. This event will be held in person and will provide an opportunity to connect with peers and engage in meaningful discussions on research and practice. Read more about the conference here.
Past events
Inter-American Development Bank’s 2023 Knowledge Week, 23-27 October | Washington DC
3ie participated in the week-long event organized by IDB where world-renowned experts, networks, and global community came together to discuss and deliberate on development effectiveness. 3ie Executive Director Marie Gaarder was part of a session on ‘How to Promote Development Effectiveness? Other panellists included Sir Ronald Cohen, President of the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG); Carolina Trivelli, Senior Researcher at Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) and Alexandre Meira da Rosa, Manager of Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness, IDB (Moderator). Watch session recording here.
Sebastián Martínez, Director of Evaluation, 3ie, participated in a session on 'Scaling Social Investments and Poverty Relief Programs’ alongside Sally Grantham-McGregor, Emerita Professor of child health and nutrition, University College London (UCL) and Marta Rubio-Codina, Senior Economist, IDB. Watch session recording here.
The Development Leaders Conference, 24-25 October | Oslo
Thomas Kelly, Director – Evidence for Policy and Learning, 3ie, participated in Center for Global Development’s (CGD) 2023 Development Leaders Conference, co-hosted by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to discuss their strategies and approaches in this increasingly fragile development landscape. Development leaders from across the globe gathered for this event that served as a unifying platform for discussion amongst country members of DAC (Development Assistance Countries). Read more
What Works Global Summit 2023, 18-20 October | Ottawa
The What Works Global Summit, organized by the Campbell Collaboration and the Bruyère Research Institute brought together researchers, leaders in evidence-based decision-making and practitioners to share the latest evidence synthesis research, research methods and practice strategies. 3ie’s Birte Snilstveit, Director of Synthesis and Reviews and Head of London office, and Fiona Kastel, Research Associate, participated in the event.
10th Asian Development Bank (ADB) International Skills Forum: A New Era of Digitalized and Climate Resilient Human and Social Development, 17–19 October | Manila
Thomas Kelly, Director, Evidence for Policy, and Learning, 3ie, participated in Economists’ Round Table: Investing in Human Capital in a Post-Pandemic Era at the ADB’s International Skills Forum. The session was moderated by Albert Park, Chief Economist and Director General, Economic Research and Development Impact Department, ADB. The other panellists included Elizabeth King, Non-resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and 3ie Board Member, Najma Rajah, Director, Economics, Global Public Policy, Netflix and Alisa DiCaprio, Chief Economist, R3. Watch the session here. |
Join our growing and dynamic team by applying for one of these unique and impactful roles. View all the current opportunities here.
Senior Research Fellow
 3ie’s Senior Research Fellows Program includes experts from various sectors – including development, evaluation, policy as well as academia. This month, we put the spotlight on Dr Arnab Acharya, who has more than 25 years of experience in teaching and research in health economics and development economics. He has held academic positions in India, the United Kingdom, and the United States, including at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for six years. Read more about Dr Acharya here.
Since 2020, 3ie's Fellowship Program has contributed to achieving our mission by tapping into diverse expertise and experience across the world. Our research fellows enhance the quality of 3ie's work and provide intellectual leadership and technical support to areas strategic for the organization. Our fellows are uniquely positioned to lead or support new and ongoing initiatives and programs. It provides an opportunity for experienced researchers to work with our global team on a range of projects in their area of expertise.