Spotlight | Call for papers on Research Transparency, Reproducibility, and Ethics

Building on our ongoing work that focuses on ethics of social science research, we are inviting papers for a special issue of the Journal for Development Effectiveness, ‘Trends in Research Transparency, Reproducibility, and Ethics for Development Effectiveness’. We are interested in projects, programs, policies, and practices that aim to improve the transparency, reproducibility, and ethical conduct of impact evaluations and/or test whether improvements in these areas improve development effectiveness. If you have a paper that fits our criteria, please send it to us by 31 January 2023.
Read more about 3ie’s work on Transparency, Reproducibility, and Ethics Evidence (TREE) >> |
World Water Day, 22 March 2022
Access to clean water and access to water sources are intrinsically linked to people’s health, sanitation, livelihood opportunities, and economic security. As we mark World Water Day this month, we want to share two key moments where timely evidence produced or supported by 3ie helped inform policy decisions in low- and middle-income countries. In Tanzania, a 3ie-supported systematic review informed Belgian Red Cross’s plan to continue support for community-based water, sanitation, and hygiene behavior change interventions as part of its five-year development project. The review findings have been cited in international policy discussions and included in a 2018 World Bank evidence brief as well as a 2020 collection of evidence on the COVID-19 response produced by Evidence Aid, which is funded by UK's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
Read the evidence impact story >>
In Rwanda, 3ie collaborated with the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, the World Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation (DIME), and the University of California, Berkeley to study the impacts and sustainability of the country’s Land Husbandry, Water Harvesting and Hillside Irrigation program. Significant positive findings from the impact evaluation informed the design of the World Bank’s Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Food Security Project.
Read the evidence impact story >>
Our work on Innovations in Data for Impact Evaluation includes research capacity development for partner institutions. As part of this, we conducted a workshop in August 2021 on the potential to use remotely sensed geospatial data for impact evaluations for researchers from the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), in collaboration with New Light Technologies. In a series of blogs this month, participants are sharing reflections on some of the key themes. |
Upcoming events
Operational and evaluation leaders from FCDO, MCC, Norad, USAID and the World Bank Group will reconvene after a year to reflect and report on the steps taken by them to improve the evidence and learning culture within their organizations. As a sequel to the Evidence Dialogues held on 17 March 2021, where panelists committed to continuing the conversation in a year’s time, this discussion will bring the focus back on efforts needed to strengthen continuous monitoring, evaluation, learning, and adaptations to ensure the chances of good outcomes are improved. The expert panel, which had agreed that development agencies do not always walk the talk of evidence-informed decision-making, will return for another deep-dive into the challenges and share learnings and experiences that will help inform current practices.
Past events
3ie at 10th AfrEA conference
The conference featured several presentations from 3ie staff and fellows. These included sessions on ‘Agricultural Insurance: lessons learnt from 3ie’s formative and process evaluations’ by Zeba Siddiqui, Research Associate, ‘Strengthening Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality in Fragile Contexts towards Peaceful and Inclusive Societies: A systematic review’ by Etienne Lwamba, Senior Research Associate, and ‘Towards a “New Normal” in Impact Evaluation: Key lessons from the field’ by Michael Bamberger, Senior Research Fellow, 3ie.
3ie at CEDIL 2022 conference
Session: Maintaining learning during the pandemic
COVID-19 has disrupted schooling, caused severe learning losses, and exacerbated inequalities across the world. 3ie’s executive director Marie Gaarder chaired the session, which focused on how to maximize the effectiveness of learning in the context of the pandemic and consider what evidence we need for informing decision-making. The panellists included Dr Noam Angrist, Executive Director, Young 1ove Botswana, Dr Shwetlena Sabarwal, Senior Economist, Education Global Practice, The World Bank, Sally Gear, Head of Profession, Education, FCDO, Dr Pooja Reddy Nakamura, Principal Researcher, International Development Division, American Institute for Research, Siddesh Mhatre, Co-Head, MME and Lead Operations, Direct Elementary Programs, Pratham Education Foundation and Dr Dennis K Mugimba, Ministry of Education & Sports, Uganda. |
The Development Evidence Portal (DEP) is an expansive and growing repository of rigorous evidence on what works in international development. It contains over 10,000 studies including high-quality impact evaluations, systematic reviews, and evidence gap maps We maintain this portal as a global public good and ensure it is updated frequently. We are committed to keeping it this way.