Spotlight | Multi-state evaluation of India’s National Rural Livelihoods Project
We recently published a report on an impact evaluation of India’s National Rural Livelihoods Project (NRLP) in nine states. Commissioned by the Ministry of Rural Development, 3ie and Vrutti conducted the evaluation, with support from the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Researchers measured the impacts of the NRLP on a range of household and individual level economic, social and empowerment outcomes and also assessed the quality of institutions created by the programme. Some key findings of this report were also mentioned by the rural development minister in the Upper House of Parliament. It has also been summarised in an article by IndiaSpend. Read more about 3ie’s work in this sector on our website
Related publications:
- The current and potential role of self-help group federations in India (Working paper | Brief)
- How effective are group-based livelihoods programmes in improving the lives of poor people? A synthesis of recent evidence (Working paper)
Evidence Impact
Leveraging evidence to improve child immunisation in Haryana, India
 Informed by the findings of a 3ie-supported evaluation, the Haryana government’s National Health Mission directorate and the State Health Systems Resource Centre have signed a memorandum of understanding with the research team affiliated with The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, South Asia. This partnership is working to improve the use of government administrative data and pilot a project in which health information would be disseminated through community-nominated ambassadors in two districts of Haryana. The project draws from one of the findings of the evaluation, that shows informing caregivers through community-nominated ambassadors cost effectively improve immunisation outcomes.
#2020Hindsight campaign: what works in environment
3ie has been supporting the generation of relevant and useful evidence on how to achieve environmental environment sustainability. As part of the 2020 hindsight campaign, we focused on synthesis evidence on environment and climate change. Our recent hindsight blog shares insights from a systematic review that examines evidence on the effectiveness of payment for environmental services programmes. Another blog looked at decentralising forest management to protect trees. Learn more about the campaign and read all the blogs here.
Evidence Dialogues Webinar Series
We have started a new monthly webinar series that focuses on discussions about the importance of high quality and relevant evaluation evidence that gives insights on the effectiveness and impact of international development programmes. On 29 September, we discussed the use of evidence in peacebuilding and transitional development assistance. On 15 October panel will brought together stakeholders committed to women’s economic empowerment to share their experience and learnings in the session ‘Women’s economic empowerment and its interactions with social and personal empowerment’. Learn more about our series, watch the recorded webinars and sign up for upcoming events on the event website. |
Upcoming events
KDIS-3ie-ADB-ADBI | Conference on Impact Evaluation| Challenges and Promise for Human Capital Development in Asia | 17 November | Read more
Past events
3ie@ global conference | In fragile situations, which interventions strengthen intergroup social cohesion? 30 October | View presentation
3ie webinar | The impact of COVID-19 on sanitation behaviour in lower-income settings, 1 October | Watch the recording
3ie@ global conference | Delivering for Nutrition in India: Insights from Implementation Research: Launch of the Implementation Research Gap Map, 14 September | Watch the recording
3ie@ global conference | Asian Evaluation Week 2020, 10 September | Watch recording
3ie@ global conference | Measuring our impact, SIWI World Water Week conference 2020, 24 August | Watch recording |
3ie’s new rapid evidence assessments and briefs
As part of a project funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to strengthen evidence and economic modelling, we conducted rapid evidence assessments for MCC country teams in Burkina Faso on stimulating demand for grid electricity and on large-scale water infrastructure interventions for the team in Timor Leste. These rapid evidence assessments are expected to inform the work of MCC country teams.
Evidence synthesis response to COVID-19
3ie, the Africa Centre for Evidence and the Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative are partnering to develop an evidence synthesis response to the COVID-19 crisis. The aims of our initiative are to produce rapid response briefs and (rapid) systematic reviews on high-priority topics, provide easy access to existing syntheses and help decision makers translate existing evidence to a new context. Have a look at the rapid response brief on the effectiveness of safety programmes and read more about the initiative on our website.
Evidence gap map brief
Impact evaluation brief
Impact evaluation reports
Learning summary briefs
Working papers
Welcoming 3ie senior fellows
3ie recently welcomed 21 senior fellows as part of a new progamme. Our fellows are experts in their field and will provide intellectual leadership and technical support for new and ongoing initiatives and programmes. Visit the senior fellows page on our website to see the full list of affiliated experts. |
3ieNews is a bi-monthly newsletter of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie). We promote evidence-informed equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. We support the generation and effective use of high-quality evidence to inform decision-making and help improve the lives of people living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries. We provide guidance and support to produce, synthesise and assure the quality of evidence of what works, for whom, how, why and at what cost. |