Strengthening resilience against shocks and stressors in L&MICs
 Interventions to increase resilience in adaptation, mitigation, and recovery from covariate shocks, stressors, or recurring crises in low- and middle-income countries have become increasingly common. But we still do not know enough about the characteristics of empirical evidence on the effects of these interventions. At a recent event hosted by British Expertise International, we launched 3ie’s Resilience Evidence Gap Map (EGM) and report that address this knowledge gap and help us understand which interventions and outcomes the available effectiveness evidence in this sector has focused on so far. The map, which includes 362 studies, shows for which areas we know what works, and for which we need additional evidence to help strengthen resilience programming. It has been created alongside three other EGMs on nutrition, agriculture, and water, sanitation and hygiene. This research is led by 3ie and with support from USAID’s Bureau for Resilience and Food Security, via a partnership with D-Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Read more about our work on resilience here.
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