3ie News | August 2019
Evidence • Action • Impact>

Spotlight | World Humanitarian Day 2019: the importance of effectiveness evidence

As crises, conflicts and natural disasters continue to rise humanitarian agencies are recognising the importance of having evidence to help them improve their effectiveness. 
Drawing from our Humanitarian Assistance Evidence Programme, here are our latest impact evaluations on community resilience through humanitarian aid in Pakistan and evaluations of the World Food Programme’s interventions to treat malnutrition in Niger, Sudan and Chad

Evidence impact from 3ie-funded studies


3ie-supported evidence informs WFP's global nutrition policy and operational strategy 

The World Food Programme is using evidence from a 3ie working paper that synthesises findings and lessons from four 3ie-supported impact evaluations of the organisation's interventions to improve nutrition and food security outcomes in the Sahel. The working paper includes clear, actionable recommendations that are being used to improve the organisation’s global nutrition policy (2017-21) and operational strategies in the Sahel and globally. Forging better partnerships to enhance operational effectiveness, context-specific layering of different types of interventions following a nutrition situation analysis and improving cost data collection are among the several changes that have been informed by this evidence.

View brief | View working paper

3ie Delhi Evidence Week 2019

Beyond good intentions: from action to impact, New Delhi, 6-7 November

We will be hosting a one-and-a-half-day conference highlighting our innovative leadership and support for evidence production and impact in helping reduce poverty and improve lives in Asia. It will bring together leading researchers, high-level policymakers, programme managers and donors to share evidence and lessons, explore challenges and demonstrate how high-quality evidence is informing decision-making. We will organise engaging sessions on nutrition, sanitation, rural livelihoods, and women’s empowerment. We will also host an innovative panel discussion with philanthropists working in the region. The focus will be on how evaluation and evidence can improve their impact.  

We will regularly post updates our webpage and on social media. Follow us @3ienews on Twitter.


Impact evaluation reports
Impacts of community monitoring of socio-environmental liabilities in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon;
Impacts of increasing community resilience through humanitarian aid in Pakistan;
Improving the quality of care for children with acute malnutrition in Uganda; and  
Increasing HIV self-testing and linkage to care for partners of women in antenatal care in Uganda

Systematic review report
Incentives for climate mitigation in the land use sector – the effects of payment for environmental services (PES) on environmental and socio-economic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries: a mixed-method systematic review



Upcoming events

3ie-LIDC seminar | Does promoting citizen engagement in the governance of public services improve development outcomes?, London UK, 25 September 
3ie @ global conference | What Works Global Summit, Mexico City, 14-18 October 

Past events

3ie conference | Promoting latrine use for Swachh Bharat, New Delhi, 9 August 
3ie conference | 2nd KDI School-3ie-ADB conference on impact evaluation in development research, Seoul, 6-7 August 
3ie Delhi seminar | Socio-economic and environmental impacts of the Konkan Railway in India, New Delhi, 26 July
3ie Delhi seminar | Improving the delivery of direct benefit transfers in India, New Delhi, 21 June

Jobs @ 3ie

 3ie funding 

Consultant- research manager, Dhaka

Evaluation specialist or senior evaluation specialist, New Delhi or Washington, DC

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Bursaries available for London International Development Centre’s short course on research methods and evaluation

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3ieNews is a bi-monthly newsletter of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie). We promote evidence-informed equitable, inclusive and sustainable development. We support the generation and effective use of high-quality evidence to inform decision-making and help improve the lives of people living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries. We provide guidance and support to produce, synthesise and assure the quality of evidence of what works, for whom, how, why and at what cost. 
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